What our service offers
A good sense of humour and good health is essential when providing personalised care for children. The operation of any business requires effective communication skills, management and organisational skills. When considering a professional career in Early Childhood Education in Coffs Harbour you may also consider some of the questions below
Whether you’re looking to spend more time at home with your own children while earning an income or interested in using your childcare qualifications to start your own Family Day Care service in Coffs Harbour business, we may have just the perfect opportunity for you.
Keep searching through our webpage for more insights into our service. We would be happy to talk to you about this exciting career opportunity. We are happy to arrange a time to meet with you, have a preliminary visit to your home, meet your family and pets if any, and discuss your options for family day care as a career.
If you would like to know more about becoming an educator and join our amazing team please phone (02) 6652 7819 or submit your resume below.
If the idea of running your own childcare business from home with the support of the Co-ordination Unit appeals to you then why not give us a call. As an educator you can:
Educators are self employed and set their own fees taking into account business costs and affordability. Parents pay the Educator direct their portion of the fee, while the Co-ordination Unit pays the Childcare Benefit portion fortnightly to the Educator.
A Family Day Care Scheme consists of the Educators who provide the primary care in a licensed family day care venuee and the Co-ordination Unit office is where the service is managed and administered. The parents’ first contact is with the Co-ordination Unit. Coffs Harbour Family Day Care has a coordination unit located at 2 Peterson Road, Coffs Harbour. The local coordination unit provides educators, families and community members the convenience of local service.
The Co-ordination Unit manages and administers the Family Day Care Scheme. The staff recruit, select, train, support and monitor educators. They organise the family requests for care and monitor the children’s welfare in care. Coffs Harbour Family Day Care provides families and educators with access to resources, advice and links to other services that may assist with the education, care and development of children.
Families contact the Co-ordination unit with their request for care. A suitable Educator is contacted regarding the placement and an enrolment process is undertaken. Where possible, more than one Educator is available for families to meet.
Yes, all Family Day Care Schemes are regulated under Education and Care Services National Regulations and the Education and Care Services National Law 2010. The numbers of children in each Family Day Care home is regulated.
Educators can care for 4 children under school age and up to a total of 7 children under 13 years of age. Coffs Harbour Family Day Care recommends that educators, where possible, only have two children less than 2 years of age in care at any one time.
Many Educators transport children in vehicles to engage in community based activities such as play session, shopping or park play. Educators are required to have a safety check regarding the appropriate child care restraints and are required to conduct and document risk assessments on all excursion venues and prepare excursion management plans. Educators are required to discuss their routine excursions with families at the time of enrolments and provide families access to the risk assessments. Parents must provide written authorities for excursions.
The involvement of an educator’s family is an extremely important aspect of the family day care experience. All family members over the age of 18 years residing at the family day care premises will need to consent to a ‘Working with Children Check’.
Educators need to have the support of all family members for the family day care experience to be of benefit to everyone.
Coffs Harbour Family Day Care conducts an initial educator induction program for potential educators and provides ongoing training and offers other training opportunities for educators. Educators need to have a current First Aid Certificate, Asthma and Anaphylaxis training. This training is not provided by the Scheme.
Family day care educators are responsible for setting their own fees and business practices. Educators are required to have an ABN as educators are conducting their own business. Educators are responsible for establishing and maintaining their own business records. Educators’ are encouraged to seek advice from an accountant in relation to record keeping for this purpose.
Educators are not employees of Coffs Harbour Family Day Care and are responsible for their own superannuation arrangements.
Have any questions? Call us on 02 6652 7819 or email us at admin@coffsfdc.org.au. One of our team will be happy to help!